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The Best 5 Natural Fertilizers for Your Houseplants

Hands holding compost, a natural fertilizer for houseplants
Banana peels Coffe grounds Compost Natural Tips

Welcome to 'All About Planties'! 🌿 Healthy, thriving houseplants need the right nutrients, and natural fertilizers are an excellent way to provide them. Here are the best natural fertilizers to keep your plants lush and green.

1. Compost

What is Compost? Compost is decomposed organic matter, rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. It's a fantastic, eco-friendly way to enrich your soil.


  • Improves soil structure
  • Enhances water retention
  • Provides a slow-release of essential nutrients

How to Use: Mix compost into the top layer of your soil. For potted plants, you can also make compost tea by steeping compost in water and using the liquid to water your plants.

2. Worm Castings

What are Worm Castings? Worm castings are the nutrient-rich waste produced by earthworms. They are packed with essential nutrients and beneficial microbes.


  • Enhances soil aeration
  • Boosts plant growth
  • Reduces plant diseases

How to Use: Mix worm castings into the soil at the base of your plants. You can also top-dress your plants by sprinkling worm castings on the soil surface.

3. Fish Emulsion

What is Fish Emulsion? Fish emulsion is a liquid fertilizer made from fish waste. It's high in nitrogen, making it great for promoting lush, green growth.


  • Fast-acting nutrient boost
  • Improves soil health
  • Great for leafy plants

How to Use: Dilute fish emulsion according to the package instructions and use it to water your plants. It's best applied during the growing season when your plants need the most nutrients.

4. Banana Peels

What are Banana Peels? Banana peels are a fantastic source of potassium, which is crucial for flower and fruit development in plants.

Close-up of banana peels as a natural fertilizers for plants


  • Provides essential nutrients
  • Promotes strong root development
  • Supports flowering and fruiting

How to Use: Cut banana peels into small pieces and bury them in the soil around your plants. You can also blend banana peels with water to create a nutrient-rich slurry and use it to water your plants.

5. Epsom Salt

What is Epsom Salt? Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. It's especially beneficial for plants that require high levels of magnesium, like tomatoes and roses.


  • Boosts chlorophyll production
  • Enhances nutrient uptake
  • Promotes healthy foliage and flowers

How to Use: Dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and use it to water your plants once a month. For a quick boost, you can also sprinkle Epsom salt directly onto the soil.

FAQs on Natural Fertilizers

Q: Can I use these natural fertilizers on all my houseplants?

A: Yes, these natural fertilizers are safe and beneficial for most houseplants. However, always start with small amounts to see how your plants respond.

Q: How often should I fertilize my houseplants?

A: It depends on the plant and the type of fertilizer. Generally, you can apply compost and worm castings every few months, fish emulsion every few weeks, and banana peels as needed. Epsom salt is typically used once a month.

Q: Can I combine different natural fertilizers?

A: Absolutely! Combining different natural fertilizers can provide a broader range of nutrients to your plants. Just be mindful of the quantities to avoid over-fertilization.

    Final Thoughts

    Using natural fertilizers is a great way to keep your houseplants healthy and thriving. These options provide essential nutrients, improve soil health, and are eco-friendly. For more plant care tips and high-quality products, visit our shop and join our community at 'All About Planties'.

    Happy planting! 🌱

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